Elena Plotkin Poems

Hit Title Date Added
To Be

To be loved by someone other than family,
To be treasured by someone other than friends,
To be respected by someone other than colleagues,
Is to be regarded with envy by both women and men.

Before We Met

Do you remember how it was before we met?
Of course how can I forget.
Were you terribly lonely back then?
Well no, I had my parents and friends to cheer me up now and then.

Writers Of Yore

I know you won't believe me but... oh way back when
There was a time before computers, paper, and pen.
There were still writers who wrote with sticks in sand,
mud on rock, perhaps even blood on their body and hand.

Revenge And Spite

Ladies and gentlemen, if I may,
Please don’t turn your eyes away,
For here they are- the never contrite,
The irreverent team of Revenge and Spite.

To The Womanizer

You are not terribly rich, talented, handsome, or clever.
Yet you believe you are some kind of lost treasure.
You bestow your attention on every single and married female,
As if your attention were akin to that of the holy grail.

The Reluctant Romantic (In Honor Of Ph Friend Bri Edwards)

To my ph friend Bri Edwards, the reluctant romantic,
He who trusts marriage as one should've trusted the Titanic.
He who feels that marriage is just smoke and mirrors,
for the idiots, the fatalists, and the self-deceivers.

House Of Vanity

I am a well-renowned appraiser of property and artifacts.
And happily my eyesight has not succumbed to cataracts.
Over the years I have had the privilege to evaluate,
items that people and governments see fit to arrogate.

A Gun With A Hair Trigger

When I was young and full of vigor
I was like a gun with a hair trigger.
I was ready to fight the whole world,
the split second an insult was hurled.

How's Life

'How's Life? ' he asked.
I replied a little downcast,
'Aw, you know nothing to brag about...
But plenty to drink about.'

Nameless The Blameless

Behold, all broken and battered,
Things that once mattered,
Who I ask 'Is at fault?
'Hee, Hee...Nameless the Blameless can't be caught.'

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