Elisabeth Wingle

Elisabeth Wingle Poems

I miss you Mom
I really do
All those times
You saw me through

Oh how I love my baby's hands
Tiny, delicate, fragile
I am awestruck
I stare at them

I woke up this morning
Glanced in the mirror
Then without warning
The old hag appears


I will not scream
I will not cry
I feel sick
I think I'll die

I fear death
I fear evil
I fear cruel and heartless people
I fear guns

Pain I know, Joy I don't
You could help
but I know you won't
I live a lie, I run to fast

Lonely nights
Thinking of you

There once was a bird in the sky
Who thought it was easy to fly!
But the bird flew too low
And flew into a pole

I never had a son, God gifted me with girls
Girls are lots of fun with their diamonds and their pearls

Though I love them very much, there was a time or two

If the truth be told
I am getting old
Things are looking rather grim,

A frog walked into a bank for a loan
She was making some improvements at home
She was sent to Miss Patty Stack
The loan officer who sat in back

A simple gesture is all I need,
once a day
A secret look, a loving glance,
Eyes that swell with pride


I once had a puppy, named Mutt
He had a mouth that never shut
He would bark the night through
Just for something to do

Dinner's over, dishes are done
Time to go and have some fun
Curl your hair and paint your face
A little perfume, a little lace

What's in a name?
What makes it good?
What makes it lame?
It's who you are

Now he says 'We'll just be friends.'
I know I'll never see him again
Not the way it used to be
When I loved him and he loved me

It seems a waste of time to me
To hit a small ball, off a tee
But summer or winter
He misses his dinner

Wake up, Sleeping Beauty
There's no prince to be found.
I've searched and I've searched
In this high, towered town.

Have you ever seen a fairy?
It's a fact, most never do
They only dance at midnight.
When the moon is dark and new.

Elisabeth Wingle Biography


The Best Poem Of Elisabeth Wingle

I Miss You

I miss you Mom
I really do
All those times
You saw me through
I miss the laughter
I miss the tears
That brought me through
These twenty years
Who can I turn to,
Now that your gone?
There's no one to hold me,
While I cry all night long.
The only place I can find
Peace, comfort and love
Is in the thought that you watch me
From high up above

Elisabeth Wingle Comments

Kee Thampi 06 June 2016

I wish to write on our poetess Elisabeth Anne Wingle, she writes for us simply for Kids in us to enjoy and more to feel our light may glow

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Elisabeth Wingle Quotes

Somedays, the only thing that gets me out of bed In the morning is the thought of Chocolate!

If you really knew me, you' know. You never knew me.

I like to play with words

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