Elizabeth Sheaffer Poems

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More Than An Embrace

For the first time in nearly two weeks,
I saw your face today.
You smiled when you saw me,
And pulled me so close,


The time of your arrival draws e'er nearer.
I look to the west in search of your face.
None others' words would I hold dearer,
Than thine own as my name escapes.

Depression: My Cruel Lover

I sit alone and quietly mope, a black cloud o'er my head...
I feel so cold, alone, and my heart fills up with dread...
Here in the darkness of night I feel so wonderfully free...
But tomorrow I must venture out into society...

Affliction Most Severe (I'M Letting Go)

My body lies broken, bleeding on the floor,
The very image you once claimed to abhor.
But this is what you wanted, to witness all these tears.
Isn't this, for so long, that which you longed to hear?

Swimming In Darkness, Drowning In Doubt

Swimming in darkness, drowning in doubt
Knowing my life has been turned inside out
I'm wandering along in a world that is cold
Reliving all of my memories of old

Satan's Whisper

He held her still beating heart in his cold hands
His dark eyes appraising her body by the moon's gleam
Placing the heart in a wrought-iron box
He turned and walked away from the scene

A Friend In Need

Trees outside in nighttime's pall
Casting shadows on the wall
Nasty, slimy crawling things
Slither through the dark's disease

Finally Free

I never imagined I'd feel this way
In a matter of just a few short days.
I went from being so depressed
To swimming in sweet happiness.

The Unseen Prove Most Dear

I'm surrounded by all these people who claim so much to care
Yet it's the ones I 'don't know' who are always there.
I feel so alone in a place supposedly home.
I wonder sometimes, as my mind always roams,

Bitter Anguish Of A Mother (Teardrops In The Dusty Street)

She sat beneath the glow of a lonely streetlamp,
Her eyes full of fear, hair matted and damp.
She glanced around and saw me, instantly bolting.
Her clothes flew around her. ('She's like a bird molting.')

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