Ernestine Northover Poems

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Strange Extremes

I end up dreaming every night,
Of such mixed up funny views,
They're all in vivid colours bright,
I never know what I'll peruse.

Come Talk With Me

Come talk with me of many a thing,
Of autumn hues, and the buds of spring,
Of cloudy skies and the sunshine's beams,
The sharp reality, and the gentle dreams.

Dark Sky's Treat

The sky is so dark with looming clouds,
suspending its raindrops o’er our heads.
Counting until the time is just right,
to release them onto flowerbeds.

The Face Of Christ

It stood alone, this old Church of grey,
tombstones scattered around in disarray.
Naming Squires and skivvies who’d lived and died
in this Hamlet, and now lay side by side.

Ceaseless Power

The sea invades the coastal cliffs,
Battling against its stalwart stone,
Devouring its surface bit by bit,
And leaving it gullible and prone.

His Ego!

Ferdinand Frog was all agog,
He'd seen a female creature green,
And jumping sprightly from his log,
Was goggle eyed and very keen.


You’re shaking because you don’t know
what I’m going to say.
I’m shaking because I do know what I’m
going to say.

Always On Cue

Life should be in tune with you,
A gentle song, always on cue,
Soft lingering smile, by pleasure kissed,
Sunbeams that pierce the early mist.

Infinite Beauty

Looking over the fields towards the Sun,
Observing that the rain had just begun,
A freshness seemed to permeate the air,
And all that one could do was, stand and stare,

Kissed With Affection

The mist adorns the nestling hills,
and on the air, one hears the trills,
of the waking birds, as one and all,
give out their melodious morning call.

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