Francis Duggan Poems

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Leave It To Those

Leave it to those with extreme love for their Nation's flag to fight
Leave them to go to war for it since that is their right
Though the reasons for most wars are based on a lie
Leave them to for what they believe in to fight to kill or die

You Surely Lag Behind

You are lucky since you've not known a moment of self doubt
And by the hard punches of life you've not been knocked about
But don't be cocky in your mind your blessings you should count
Of luck in life you've known a share and of it a big amount

Mr Ordinary

One who had lived amongst them for seven months or so
He was nicknamed Mr Ordinary by those who him did not know
To most he did seem ordinary the most ordinary one of all
Since he was not a fan of tennis, boxing, golf, cricket or football

Thistles Are Survivors

The old thistles dying and the young thistles growing
And the thistledown in the warmth of the afternoon are blowing
Above the brown paddocks in the freshening Summer breeze
On a January day of twenty five degrees

These People Great People

We all have our flaws and addictions and fears
That we have to contend with over the years
I doubt in the World a perfect person you'd find
Since perfection it is not of the human kind

I Am A Selfish Bugger

I am a selfish bugger why otherwise pretend
I live for myself and I am my own friend
To others I do find it hard to relate
The lifestyle I lead for myself I create.

So Lucky Are They Who Can Visualize

Above their reality in a whim they can rise
So lucky are they who can visualize
They may be homeless on the poor streets of town
But in their thoughts they know of Worldwide renown

The Best You Can Be

You may not be the high achiever of your family
But you can only be the best you can be
Help others if you can and live in the honest way
If you can achieve that much you are doing okay

Doesn'T Matter If Others

As long as what you are doing is not of harm to others you are doing okay
Forget the judgemental of you what they say
For minding their own business they will never be known
One wonders of them have they lives of their own?

Of The Power Of The Pen

Of the power of the pen we so often do hear
But the gun or the knife known to instill far more fear
In you than the worst thing about you one could write or say
From a verbal attack you recover though the mental scars may stay

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