Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
This Is The Time To Act Over Mariupol (Italian Sonnet)

With a drone with chemicals they did attack
leaving soldiers dizzy, unable to breath,
besieged no one did with food relieve
and for the world it is high time to act,

There Is Something Almost Sad In The Glare

(for Annelize)

Its late afternoon according to the sun
when I have to greet you, my love,


Where Biden's spokes-people did just this say
Biden says he never said sanctions were to deter,
from his words and actions lies I can infer
while with the lives of innocent people he does play

In This Harsh World (Villanelle)

(for Annelize)

In this harsh world you are my one and all,
there is a whim of your perfume in the air

War Crimes Do Grim Pictures Paint (English Sonnet)

I have been wondering about a race
that can deceive, plunder, kill, rape and maim,
about soldiers without conscience or grace,
that does capitalists for their hardship blame,

Still God Turns Around Every Life To His Will

(for Annelize)

When I see the wonder of God's work,
notice the gambolling birds and their songs do surprise,

Where A Person As You Are Very Rare (Villanelle)

(for Annelize)

At heart I do know you very well,
do recall the colour of your fine hair

Apocrypha: Psalm 88 (Refrain Stanza)

Your crucifixion a cruel impression brings;
you proofed sincere love were existing,
with true love You came to humanity
and Your selfless benevolence stays with me,

The Passion Of The Lord Christ

Evening meal

The twelve of them was with Him in the upper chamber,
carefree John did turn to Him.

Where This Morning I Am Thinking Of You

(for Annelize)

Outside the speckled white, black and yellow barbet calls,
the yellow weavers gambol the day yellow and sunny,

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