Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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Common Link

There is common bond
When you live in same pond
Different kind of fishes may be the companion
Still it is worthwhile union

Smile At

Never bring gloom on face
When real time comes?
To depart from beautiful mother land
Think of those beautiful years spent as friend

As Golden Chance

Enjoy childhood
Play in neighborhood
Make friends
And nicely end too

Happy To Welcome

I had nothing to loose
But as only option to choose
That how the life was to be shaped?
How it was to be happily lead

Love Tonight

Love tonight
As it is festival night
From darkness to light
From hatred to delight

Love Is War

But you can not remain aloof or far
It is not in your hands
It is blessings from the friends

Love is self feeling

The Poet Must

The poet must not be caged
But from his view point judged
Neither is it for moon and sun
Nor for jokes and fun

Divine Force

This is the source
Unknown but divine force
Love and not curse
The theme is same of course

Simple Words

I start the day with sun shine
Always cheerful to feel it fine
Never a thought to feel remorse
Life as such seems beautiful of course

For Drive

The time changes fast
New things emerge to compete last
Daily there comes new innovation
As if there is enough of room for accommodation

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