Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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Cats All Over

Everybody loves beautiful cats
They have proved worth as pets
Nothing so special but liked by most
Help to build relation if they are frost

Follow Usual Path

We follow unusual path
Without brush take bath
Morning tea in side the bed
Is this good or totally bad?

Global Warming

Is global warming and on volcano?
Are the world leaders aware and know?
Do they know entire universe is on fire?
Industries and pollution sill they admire,


They preferred death to honor
Never said yes for life to dishonor
To die for the nation and holy cause
Constant move with no let or pause

Hen Laid Eggs

Hen laid an eggs, between legs two,
No small, no big but not in zoo,
Ran after those who made slight dig,
Dog, cat and crow planned very big,

Yes, Yes, Yes

What language has to do?
When eyes speak,
What beauty has to do?
When eyes don’t see it,

Enough Wealth But No Health

I have amassed enough wealth
but not bestowed with good health
I have fine body and healthy mind
permanent weakness with diseases of all kinds

Golden Words

As word suggest golden,
brightness always retained,
even buried underground,
It’s inherence never detained,

Nothing Before Time.........

Nothing before time you get
Try very hard or opportunities let
Neither can you curse your luck
Nor you can think or have fresh look

How Are You?

'How are you and where are you? '
Would you mind if I so ask you?
Urge ran high so I asked you,
Do you think it right if I so ask you?

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