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The Dying Flower

There was love in the room.
It was the laughter in the rain.

With nearly broken legs, it kept its pride.

My Heart Is Dark

Filled with anger, my heart is dark.
Darkness is around me, from the people that surround me.
Another day has gone, and my heart is still dark.

Our Choices

You seek the truth
yet you tell the lies.

You seek for justice,

Good And Bad

As dark as the night gets.
It cannot get any darker than a human.
As angry as a lion gets.
It cannot get angrier than a human.

Dear Stranger

You, my precious have left us.
In the coldest nights I feel no warmth.
It's like the light has left us.
I want to find you, yet I am lost.


The morning glance I stood before
Clouds that made music you would not abhor

One and all, a universe of mind.

The Truth

Where is the way how is it seen.
Could it be in the things we create?
Look towards you and see the truth.
Yet still knowing the lies are behind you.

The Black Cat

As it stood there, majestically with its dark tail.
It grabbed its tail, and it would play the hidden tunes.
Light from the moon would shine upon the gracious one.
Still it would not reveal its blood covered blue eyes.

This Light

I see a light, with colours so bright.
Red, green and blue, are the colours of this light.
A glance and the light is gone.
Where could it be from?

He Dreams

He dreams his hopes when he sleeps.
They come not by themselves, but he chooses to dream them.
His dreams are the reality in another world.
A world filled with possibilities.

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