Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
To Kill A Laptop

To Kill a Mockingbird had Dad,
Atticus Finch, raising his kids,
Keeping his cool when they got mad.
But most parents do blow their lids,


Little Angel, for a brief while,
You survived the tornado's dread,
That left your home a twisted pile,
And all of your family dead.

Rising Sun - Falling Pun

A crisis for Japanese banks.
Oregami Bank had to fold.
Karate Bank has chopped its ranks.
Karaoke Bank quickly sold,

Davy J.

Davy Jones, may you rest in peace,
A lifetime of The Monkees biz.
But death deemed that your gig must cease.
With no ifs, ands or buts - just tiz.


I was bullied some as a kid,
And I was a bully some back.
It was just stuff most of us did,
Getting and giving dumb attack.

Eye Ssstrain

An old snake went to see the doc,
Hissing that he could not see well.
So taking some glasses from stock,
Doc fitted the snake, then did tell

Sergeant Reckless

Sergeant Reckless, U.S. Marine
Served during the Korean War,
Earned her stripes going 'twixt and 'tween
The front line and the ammo store,

Proud Of The Kids

Two terrorists taking a break,
Start talking about their children.
The first says his oldest did make
Such a swell bomb, and then did win

Minding Manners

U.S. at war - there's etiquette.
Must show proper manners post kill.
Peeing on a corpse does upset.
Just leave the body dead and still.


In Russia, what's a crow to do
To pass the winter months so bleak.
Snow and ice ev'rywhere - tiz true.
So find fun with them so to speak.

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