Joe Rosochacki Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Love That Dirty Water! (The Standells)

The eastern world, it is exploding
Violence flarin', bullets loadin'
You're old enough to kill, but not for votin'
You don't believe in war, but what's that gun you're totin'

Elmer Stolzfoos Fisher,22, of Paradise, Pennsylvania, was slumped over and asleep.,
Oh so deep!
Not in his room, but his horse drawn buggy, drunk, with a.18 blood-alcohol level breath.
(Pennsylvania's legal limit is.08)

I Bet You Can’t Eat Just One

Frito-Lay had publicity today.
The American potato chip icon, or as termed over pond, crisps,
Found its way,
To the AOL website.


Planet in Peril that was on CNN,
in green,
Was brought to us by ConocoPhilips,
The 3rd largest petroleum manufacturer in the USA,

Who’s Afraid Of The Big Bad Wolf?

Or it is “Who’s afraid of Virginia Wolf”?
Anyway, Palin and lip-stick coated pit bull persona is being attacked again,
From Ashley Judd, for Palin’s defense of aerial hunting of wolves.
Palin has encouraged hunting for wolves that she made a $150 bounty,


My observation called The Top,
which stated “We gaze into the times before we were”,
Now becomes eclipsed with the site of Himiko,
Himiko was a queen in early Japan, in her day,

Dyncorp, Who In The Hell Are You?

You lost $1.2 billion dollars that is unaccounted for,
The no-bid contract was awarded by the State Department,

Cheney stock went up again,

Do Tell Mattel

Mattel do tell,
About the lead from the painted toys
Made in China
How you begged forgiveness in Beijing

Dr. Death Is Running For Congress

Dr. Death, aka Jack Kevorkian, is running for congress,
He is running for the 9th District seat in Michigan,
The incumbent Republican,
Joe Knollenberg to unseat

Evil Incarnate

Joshua Royce Mauldin, Abbadon,
Angra Mainyu, Satan,
Asmodai, Beelzebub,
Lucifer, Belial, and Iblis all rolled into one.

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