Joe Rosochacki Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Good Friday 1988

How good is Good Friday, to the people of Jerusalem?
The politics, terrorists, victims, fanatics,
Goliath appears to be all but one of them.
And David, throwing stones without a sling, what good will come about?

Three Strikes You’re Out, What A Joke!

Alexis Goggins you are supernatural,
People have termed you an angel,
But you saved your mother’s life,
To have been struck 7 times to survive, do tell.

Whips And Chains

Saudi Arabia, is one of the United States Allies,
Our judicial system, though not perfect, is relatively humane,
By comparison the US system by Saudi’s system is pale,
The Imarship, its dictatorial domain is indeed somewhat a travesty,

What’s Up Bill Nye, The Science Guy?

Is it the stratosphere? Is it space?
Is it stars and planets?
Is it Blair Tindall who keeps descending upon you?
Like a swarm of locusts.

Tolerance Is A Virtue, Afghan’s Have None

It is kind of dangerous to be a Christian in a Muslim country,

It is kind of sad the oil and commerce have affected my country ideals,
America’s stance for tolerance and to be free,

Timothy Are A De-De-De

Timothy Elliot are you daft, slow,
Or are you scoffer at the law?
You did know,
Not to be involved with gaming,

Tightends Anyone?

The NFL had a ruling today
The thought of distractions might pose one day
Cheerleaders are not stretch out in front the opposing bench
Cheerleaders are the side attraction from the game

Go Green, Soylent Green

It’s matter of fact that earth is going green,
From major corporations to the fluorescent household light bulb,
To the way of life that is to be seen,
After death going green is already in progress for funeral parlors in the UK,

We don’t need more;
Galloping Gourmets,
Barefoot Contessas,
Julia Childs,

Help Me I’m Think I’m Falling Aka Free Falling

Didn’t it feel good
We were sitting there talking
Or lying there not talking
Didn’t it feel good

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