Judit Vázsonyi

Judit Vázsonyi Poems

She composed a lullaby
from frost, rain, rising sun, and wind,
as the birds flew high,
as the squirrels were chasing.


I got home quickly today, there was quite little traffic.
I didn't tell you, so here are some words, they are graphic,
Just a drawing of the time I was there with you.
/It's standing in front of my house, I can see you in the yew./

The days are just running out and
the man's arm still doesn't hug me.
There is no reality, there is nothing
what mine, that is only a movie.


Nyitott ajtókon nem kopog,
Nem zörget kitárt ablakon,

Távolság /3./
Mondd szerelmem, bízol bennem?
Elmegyek, ha el kell mennem.
Nem zárul rád a két karom

Távolság 4.

Talán sohasem
érzem majd ölelésed.

Távolság 5.


Distance 6.

Embrace me as tightly as you never hugged anyone.
Hug me because you can't hug me tomorrow.

Nem szégyen, ha lehajtod néha a fejed,
ha Gordiuszi csomók utadba állnak
s választásaid lám szűkre szabottak,
mint utcán daloló harmonikásnak.

I'm the infinite space.
You entered this place.
Space stays here.
It's got wind in it.

The most pretty poem is perhaps prose.
the lost scent
of an old rose.

I fell asleep. Suddenly you were there.
You hugged me tightly in my dream.
And the world has changed at once,

The night is sad gray, it's too late,
this world is a barren ait.
Hold me.

What is this feeling I feel?
Like when the sun comes out,
Like when a breeze blows my face,
It's coming, I have no clout.

The man who loves me,
should be more than the world,
the dream is beautiful in his arms,
his desire is like the soaring bird.

Excerpts from the paper basket

I'm just looking at this person who I am.
I hear her babble, I hear and I am listening to.

Mi ütött beléd te lovag?
Sápadt magányban ácsorogsz
száraz medernél és a szél
síri csöndet hoz.

The twilight is beetling
the evening is silent
Big dipper wakes up
the breath of time spent.

Judit Vázsonyi Biography

Poetry is freedom. Freedom of feeling, freedom of expression, freedom of belonging. I often pay attention to myself when an artwork beats my heart, puts a smile or tears on my face, excites me, gives me inspiration, unleashes the depths of my soul and enables me to create. They are bringing me to life.)

The Best Poem Of Judit Vázsonyi

Song Of The Tree Rings

She composed a lullaby
from frost, rain, rising sun, and wind,
as the birds flew high,
as the squirrels were chasing.
She made it from running of beetles,
from the tousled hair of angels,
from lots of decades,
to her everglades.
She wanted to give them fond memories,
so composed it from hard, vibrant centuries.
The wind carried her children so far,
non of them are there,
but now she says goodbye.
The loneliest childminder.
She rocks a sprout of maple
her cradle still is strong,
one long sigh, already last,
then she ends the song

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