Katherine Bryce

Katherine Bryce Poems

People change,
and so have you,
I never want to know,
the truth within you.

After forgetting for so long,
I am now starting to remember,
after the lines were drawn,
they've now been erased.

I'm nothing more
than who I choose to be
I will stand tall
I will be free

My bags are packed,
my heart is racing,
but yet I still decide,
to stop and look once more.

as we say our final good-byes
I won't be fully there
I'll be thinking of time we shared
and what it'll be like without you

I look back and think,
of all the time,
I spent dreaming,
a foolish dream.


Faith grows stronger,
day by day,
with or without you,
here to stay.

I love how,
I can finally smile,
and not have to,
try and fake it.

</>i wish you knew me,
like i know you,
we're one in the same,
and one in heart.


time slowly passes
as I sit and wait
for life to change
and take me away

A glistening gray path,
encased on both sides
by emerald green grass.
Golden as the sun, leaves over my head,

I used to be a dreamer,
and hope for the best,
but then I fell below,
with the rest.

What if I said,
I know what is true,
the thing hiding,
deep down inside of you?

I can't help it,
i just always do,
get lost in those eyes,
so deep and so bright.

No one will understand,
when I want to be alone,
it truly means,
I need someone with me.

'All my life,
I've been searching,
until that day when,
I met you.'

She was innocent.
She suffered the most.
She was lost.
She is the fighter.

Sometime I wonder
if you think of me,
almost as much,
as I think of you.

I know that today,
the sun is shining,
no matter how cold
the wind does blow.

to say good-bye
it's a pain thing to do
but now it's over
and I'm far from you

Katherine Bryce Biography

I've always loved writing, and probably always will... I've always been told it was good, but, as you know, to a little kid, you always say that. So, I guess the reason I post my pieces are for feedback and to be inspired. I'm searching for something to believe in, but lately, I'm left to my own words. My own writing- my own heart- my own soul. That's all I have left. I've lost people I love, and now I am all alone in this world.)

The Best Poem Of Katherine Bryce

People Change

People change,
and so have you,
I never want to know,
the truth within you.

Your love seemed true,
if I only knew,
that i would end up,
hating you like I do.

I said no,
why can't it be,
just that easy,
for you to see.

I'm tired of this,
I'm sorry to say,
it will never work,
it'll never be the same.

So pack up your bags,
and walk out that door,
please don't make me,
suffer anymore.

I know you'll miss me,
but I won't miss you,
so good-bye,
and please never return.

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