Kazi Nazrul Islam Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Send From Heaven Again

Send again, Hazrat! from Heaven
The message of justice and toleration!
I can no longer see this hateful hitting
between man and man!

Don'T Be Afraid, O Human Soul!

The power thrones of today represent devil's affair,
the power-hungry monsters are busy playing there.
Don't be afraid, O human soul! Don't break down in tear!
The drunkard of the underworld won't prevail much longer here.

Eid, At The End Of Fasting Of Ramadan

O heart, Ramadan has come to an end,
and the happy Eid knocks at the door for all,
Come, today give yourself away wholeheartedly,
heed the divine call.

Fanaticism Is Not Religion!

Bullying, hypocrisy or fanaticism: that's not what religion is all about
According to all scriptures, fanatics are disciples of the devil: no doubt.
The one and only Creator of all: He is the loving Master ever;
That there is more than one Creator, no true religion can claim so; never.

Peasant's Eid (Celebration) !

Belal! O Belal! The crescent (helal) shines in the western horizon!
Seeing what is going on, are you hiding in shame in some desert-grave's prison?
Look at those Peasants, bound for the prayer-venue, like the skeleton of a mummy,
Have you seen going toward the slaughter-house the little-fed cattle with sunken tummy?

Hamd: Allahu, Allahu!

I asked the flower, 'tell me, O flower, tell me! '
Whence did you get such fragrance, such beauty?
'His whose beauty has brightened this world,' said the floret,
'It is He who blessed me with all this! ' Get the clue?

The Ecstasy Of Destruction

Come, make merry and rejoice.
There rages the summer storm
flying the flag of the New and the Young,

Enamoured Of Self

I look for her
Who is closer to me than my own self.
I seem to hear her footsteps
In my burning desire.

Song Of The Do-Nothing

My mind as the Bee today runs a-field
amid the blossoms of the grass in
the field of mator-shuti -
On this winter morn enamored of the

My Distant Friend

To which lonesome abode do you beckon me
again and again, my friend!
My roadside home, full of sorrows,

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