Linda Winchell Poems

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'I Found The'U' In Jesus'

I found the…” U “in Jesus’
It was always there… you see.
God spelled His name out… very carefully
For the entire world… including me.

'Spring In The Air'

How can it be, I'm smelling Spring in the air?
There's snow on the ground
and on the trees, everywhere!

'He Rolled Away The Stone'

“Why do you search for Him, He is not there?
For He has rolled away the stone.”
It was told that Jesus would rise from the grave
And in three days ascend, unto His Father’s home.

'It's Ok To Let Go'

Stop hanging on to... your-self control
It will never bring you any peace.
Just splinters of rope… as you cling
Of life’s hopeless strands…in each.

'You Took My Place! '

A man pulled into a churches’ parking lot
But when…he was parking his car.
Was reminded by another on-lookers’ remark
“Your in my parking place…you are! ”

'A Life Of Disappointment'

Are you living a life of disappointments?
where nothing seems to ever go your way.
Thank God there are tomorrows
thank God for lifes better yesterdays.

'Death Of A Friend'

I don't know what she's crying about,
She souldn't have let him out to stretch his legs!
I don't know what good he was anyways,
I never heard of a Rooster laying eggs!

'Not Feeling Good As I Should'

I’ve not been feeling, good as I should
Don’t really know the reasons why.
I go to bed feeling sick at night
And feel the same upon my rise.

'Mind Your Own Business! '

What better way to tell people
To...“Mind your own business… and let me be! ”
Than to quote what Matthew wrote in 7: 1-21
For the entire world…now to read.

'Beauty Is Only Skin Deep'

My skin may not be flawless
My eyes might not be… the right shade of blue
But what I have… that some others do not
Is the deepest love of God for you.

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