Lyudmila Purgina Poems

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A.Pushkin, Winter Evening - Translation (Rus)

With a darkness blizzard covers
All the sky and circles in whirls,
As a beast it hardly groans,
As a baby - cries in turn,


by unknown author

The rain is crying from the early morning,
There on the cold and wet crossroads

M.Lermontov, The Prophet - Translation (Rus.)

The Prophet
by Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov

Since time when the eternal Judge

A.Blok, Demon -2 - Translation (Rus.)

By Alexander Blok

Follow, follow me - as a slave,


By unknown author

On heels the Happiness was running,
The summer Rain was in galoshes,

Unknown Author, If You Stumble Once... - Translation (Rus)

By unknown author

If you stumble once upon the road,
If it is the devastation of all power -

A.Pushkin, In A Trouble... - Translation (Rus)

In a trouble motley and unuseful
Of the high society and court
I've kept the cold eye, the pure
And modest heart, the freedom

Unknown Author, The Poetry Perfection - Translation (Rus.)

Well, shall I wait for a time, when a core -
My soul - will be only words?
And then the artless words, as water,
Would give a birth to icy facets, swords?


Music; Evgeny Ptichkin

The sky will be spotted with motes of stars,
And boughs will curve as elastic...

V.Vysotsky, Here's Not A Plain Surface - Translation (Rus.)

By Vladimir Vysotsky

Here's not a plain surface, and climate is wrong,
And avalanches are going in row,

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