Lyudmila Purgina

Lyudmila Purgina Poems

I am reading and reading and reading,
I am searching for truth in the words...
They are different: some of them chilling,
Some are pretty, the other are cold.

The famous war song from the film 'Two soldiers'

http: // v=tkTZLDXXP0o

It's frost and sun; the day is fine!
You still are drowsing, my friend -
But, dear Beauty, it is time
To wake up, and your eyes unveil

By Sergei Yesenin

Thee'd recollect,
Thee'd recollect this surely,

by Osip Mandelstam

I've returned to my town, my native, to tears,

The unbeautiful girl
by Nikolai Zabolotzky

Among the other playing children she

The smoke of sigarettes has emptied the air.
The room - takes my head to the circling hell.
Remember - behind this window for the first time, excited
I was stroking fervently your hands.

You don't love me, and at least, don't care...
Am I beautiful a little, dear girl?
You're, without looking straight in my face,
Going faint, just putting hand on shoulder.

There is the oak-tree in Lukomorye;
A golden chain is twisted over it:
And day and night a skilfull cat is going
So constantly round the tree;

By Alexander Alexandrovich Blok
translated from russian

To excite me again and again -

By Anton Delvig * he was the good friend of A.Pushkin

Nightingale mine, a nightingale.
Vociferous nightingale.

When I did love...
By Robert Rozhdestvensky

From the poem 'Before your coming'

The song about a stormy petrel

By Maxim Gorky

A Vision gives me a light step,
A glorious Vision multiplies my hopes,
A Vision never stops caressing -
A vision marvellous excites my thoughts.

By Veronika Tushnova

They say: there's no such love in real!
They say: live so, as the others do live!

The town of childhood

By Robert Rozhdestvensky
Music: A.Bronevitsky

by Robert Rozhdestvensky

By the country road I was going silent.

By Alexander Blok

It's a game: to come in carefully,
Untouching the attention of other people.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Dis- tance: versts and miles...
We were dis- set and dis- piled

I don't like
by Vladidmir Vysotsky

I don't like the fatal passing either,

Lyudmila Purgina Biography

I'm from Russia Urals. You could see my russian poems and translations on the russian site http: //

The Best Poem Of Lyudmila Purgina

I Am Reading And Reading...

I am reading and reading and reading,
I am searching for truth in the words...
They are different: some of them chilling,
Some are pretty, the other are cold.
Some are flying so high in the heavens,
Others are making rough common work
With a man, who just use in affairs
Simple words, and, the next, complex words.
All the words have their own great meaning,
And the second, the third meaning also...
And sometimes it is hard to reveal it
In the piles of texts on crossroads
Of the vast country such as i-net...
Net is catching, and spelling, and turning
All the words in one strange silhouette...
And this Lady or Madam or Lord then
Grasps your hand, takes your mind, gives your soul
A delight to swim freely again
In tremendous illusive words' ocean...

Lyudmila Purgina Comments

Kumarmani Mahakul 21 September 2019

Lyudmila Purgina is a brilliant personality who writes lovely poems of excellent quality in both Russian and English. I have read few poems of Purgina and reviewed and liked these very much. Lyudmila Purgina has wonderful vision of expression and motivational power. I am wishing Purgina a bright future and all the best. May God bring happiness!

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Dr Library @ Debadarshi 01 April 2012

many great writings......... i hope you continue and bring laurels to the tradition...........

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