Hey kid didn’t you know,
You reap what you sow?
So you better get in the fields and start sowing
So all of your crops can really get to growing

You are not beautiful come on, what do you mean?
You really think beauty is defined by a magazine?
Come on girl that is just plain ridiculous
A set definition of beauty is just fictitious

When your backs to the wall
do you just give up and fall?
Get kicked in the head
until your dead

There are plenty of fish in the sea
But you are the only one for me
No other can even compare
A girl like you is more than rare

Lord why do you leave me to my depression
What did I do? What was my great transgression?
Why do I feel like I can never make any real progression?
Why is it happiness never seems to be in my possession?

Girl I'll be your Superman if you be my Lois Lane
Girl I'll be your Spiderman if you be my Mary Jane
I just wanna be your one and only superhero
Cause in my mind you're a ten and every other chick is a zero


Meet a teenage girl that doesn’t like the way she looks
She hates her life, so she is constantly reading books
She thinks she is fat and it has caused her to become anorexic
When she is asked to read out loud in school she sounds dyslexic

The greatest struggles are overcome by the greatest desires
And the hardest steel is forged from the hottest fires
So I am gonna use the Hell fire burning in my veins
To overcome all of my greatest weaknesses and pains

It is sad, but I have realized that corruption rules this world
Ever since the fall of Adam ever downward it has swirled
It doesn't matter, if you never hurt anyone in your entire damn life
There will be someone that wants to cut you open with a dull knife

Looking out of this damn broken window
Wondering when I'll finally get some dough
I think about money a lot, but don't really have any
So I'm trying real hard to pinch every single penny

Do you know how special you are?
Girl you shine out like a star
In the clear night sky
You wanna know why?

I want a girl that is real
That is stronger than steal
That will help me through this life
Help me through every single strife

It is time I spread my wings and fly
I am gonna go above and beyond the sky
I am going to travel to places far far away
Far beyond the boundaries of the Milky Way

Old hatchback painted blue
Oh how much I love you
For now to most you may seem worn out,
But you won’t when we are doing a burn out

Once there was a boy
That could find no joy
The boy felt completely abandoned and alone
He felt like all his chances at happiness were blown

It is hard to deal with this depression
But thats why I write its a therapy session
Thats why when ever I go to bed
There is always paper and a pencil beside my head

I don’t know if you remember that I exist
And honestly its got me pretty pissed
I use to tell you I love you when I was a kid
You’d say the same, but I don’t know if you really did


I am gonna finally be free
No more chains to hold me
I am starting to drift away
This is my last day

I am the Mad Dew
Problems I have a few
I am not exactly getting paid
I don't ride in an Escalade


I've got so much money
It ain't even funny
I ride around in my Mercedes
And pick up all sorts of ladies

The Best Poem Of MAD DEW

Reap What You Sow

Hey kid didn’t you know,
You reap what you sow?
So you better get in the fields and start sowing
So all of your crops can really get to growing
Cause if you want a plentiful harvest
Hard work is what you have to invest
And you have to remember to regularly weed
Because that is something that your crops need
If you don’t those weeds will choke your crops by the roots
And your crops won’t be able to grow very beautiful fruits
Truth is it is always not easy working in the field
But you have to do, if you want all it has to yield

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