Mariam de Haan

Mariam de Haan Poems

My English teacher taught me,
How the world is sweet
About the songs without a beat.
New places I did meet

I'm changing.
Yes I know my face is the same
So is my name
And I'm still only partially sane,

In this tapestry called life
We often see the strings of sadness,
Forgetting the colours are made of joy.
And the moments that only you and the seamstress know.

I'm sorry,
Sorry they call you a misogynist.
You were a feminist before feminism was even a word.
It was you who taught love for every aspect of women

The night sky glitters outside the plane window
I would send you a picture
But things like these are only meant for our eyes.
In that night sky the terrorist told the freedom fighter,


You never understand the seriousness of a situation
Until you feel the pain.
Until it hits you in the face so you can't run away.
This is for those who joke about it,

I look at Paulo Coelho's blog
And I see ten's of thousand's of followers
At each word he writes
He gains ever more fans

What angel sits there
Hugging a doll
With tears in her eyes

Got a phone call today
They said you passed away
You were fine morning
And just yesterday

Captain Owen
Did you find your glory?
The glory you left home for
You should have stayed

Sometimes I want a man
To hold me tight
And kiss me goodnight
Then be gone in the morning

Go back to the beginning
When Adam and Hawa committed the first sin
Did Allah punish Hawa and protect Adam?
Both received equal blame

It's funny how a phrase can change everything.
How one person made this all begin.

I remember that day clearly


I have learned the importance of listening.
So many of us listen to answer
But some voices are so fragile,
That you need to pause in your pursuit of life


The whistle blows.
The steam hisses upwards.
Two jolts forward
And smoothly we move onward.

The rose wilts,
Petal by petal.
The candle melts
Flicker by flicker.

For a knight in armor shining
For a dream to start growing
For Peace to stop hiding

See those people there

Two fishes in the wind
Yearning for water

Pitter-patter of their feet
I take a bite of my wafel
A man on the other side stares at me
As I slurp my slagroom

For those days I yearn
When we did not count what we earn.
When our homes were on our backs
And our family was our pack.

Mariam de Haan Biography

Born and raised in Africa, Tanzania and now living in Europe. I have been writing since the age of 13, it's what got me through my teenage years. At the age of 15-16, my English teacher told me to never stop. Now at the age of 18, I am officially introducing myself as a writer. I am stepping out, chasing my dreams and never looking back. I write about world issues, about what I see, about my life and about my religion (Islam) which has influenced me so much. Enjoy! ! !)

The Best Poem Of Mariam de Haan

My English Teacher

My English teacher taught me,
How the world is sweet
About the songs without a beat.
New places I did meet
And I could calm the heat
In those songs without a beat.

My English teacher taught me,
Showed me a sanctuary
In the songs that belong to me.
There I become a fairy
An animal white and hairy
The songs that I can be.

My English teacher taught me,
That words are expression
The songs are a potion.
I can hear their motion
In them feel devotion
The songs that are true emotion.

My English teacher taught me,
He told me to strive
The songs will survive
Songs shinier than a knife
The songs that are my life

My English teacher taught me
Yes he taught me.

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