Mark Heathcote Poems

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I‘ll Plummet

I‘ll plummet from here on in.
Dive into the depths of love
I‘ll gladly sink or swim
gaze at her beauteous

Let Me Pretend

Still, waters, moon-reflected
Let me swim through you
And drown my sins in their sorrow
In their darkness, I have swum


Mother-nature what is the essence of spring
-does father berate you for turning back his sheets?
Does he wait in the wings with chilly deceits
Mother-nature you're waking up everything.

God Will Save Us All

God will save us for sure.
No need to worry, final
Children do not live in denial
God will save us for sure.

Two Halves Of A Clothes Peg

Warm and snug - tight like a turtleneck
Tightly wound and sprung together
There wasn't a lever, could apart-us ever
We were two halves of a clothes peg.

Wilting Flower Chains

In love's summer, wilting flower chains
You bind my hands in fire and then ice.
Of my heart and soul, you demand flames.
You then request that I dance in a vice.

Baby Talk

Is he learning any new words today?
Dad says to the baby, planetary.
No, not 'plant a tree' but planetary
the baby mumbles back; plant a tree

A Lamb To The Slaughter

Weren't they wildly aggrieved at you?
Who would consult with these two again?
Share their food or drink their water
wasn't those Muslim women aggrieved at you?

How Far Can You Throw A Small Stone?

My soul is ready to leave this ceiling & go
Take the roof right off this trifling town
How far can you throw a small stone?
It takes a mile to survive if you're all alone.

Let The Canon Moon Stars Fly

Sun then rain, day after day
It's a parade never outstayed
It's welcome, but oh I say
With sorrows, it must be said.

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