Thanh-Thanh NhuanLe Poems

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Evening Melody

Quite a chance that day the journey was granting
On our long way, the afternoon sun slanting.
Over the wind your singing voice took dominion
To lull human life’s vicissitudes to oblivion.

Love At First Sight

I want to amass, darling, all clouds in the sky
To imprint in it a First Love forever to reify!
Many a time I contemplate the horizon blue
And ask myself if it is truth or dreamy dew?

Unfinished Symphony

Away from you, my passion seemed perished;
I decided with my heart that blind devotion to sever.
I held a grudge against it when I determined to quit
And vowed not to return for ever and ever!

Let Me Lie Together With You

“What are you, why do you lie there,
Exposed to sun and winds at this dumping ground? ”
Only by getting close I could see your face:
Oh! “brother car” for your power once renowned!

Autumn Trees And Humans

Trees have passed through the cold winter,
To nourish budding branches, receiving mist and snow.
In silence they create fresh flowers
To offer life so many beautiful colors to glow.

The Forbidden Fruit

Since the beginning – the earth full of dust,
The forbidden fruit in Eden still on the tree –
Our first ancestors ventured to eat it. Gee,
Doting on Eve, Adam sinned after love to lust!

The Old Shelf

The old shelf
After ten years I came back to rearrange.
From the books and notebooks range
Fell out the veins of violet-dyed fig tree leaves:

Dialogue Between Man And Muse

What have expressed thousands of pages of verse
Through ups and downs of life I have been absorbed in?
Because that little bit I got life does not need,
But what life wants has been impossible for me to win!

I Have Left Behind

I have left my children to save my own hide
While I could not have prepared them for life
With their kids nobody knows what would betide
To their future and towards which how to strive.


If he won her heart, he would brag
That those who courted her he rose above;
Being in glory, he surely would never nag
At having allegedly misplaced his love!

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