Oliver Herford

Oliver Herford Poems

The Puppy cannot mew or talk,
He has a funny kind of walk,
His tail is difficult to wag
And that’s what makes him walk zigzag.

MY child, the Duck-billed Platypus
A sad example sets for us:
From him we learn how Indecision
Of character provokes Derision.

There’s a funny little kitten that tries to look like me,
But though I’m round and fluffy, he’s as flat as flat can be;

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.

Under a toadstool crept a wee Elf,
Out of the rain to shelter himself.

Under the toadstool, sound asleep,

CHILDREN, behold the Chimpanzee:
He sits on the ancestral tree
From which we sprang in ages gone.


IF this little world to-night
Suddenly should fall through space
In a hissing, headlong flight,
Shrivelling from off its face,

The Lion does not move at all,
Winter or Summer, Spring or Fall,
He does not even stretch or yawn,

The Gentle Milk Jug blue and white
I love with all my soul,
She pours herself with all her might

ALAS, my Child, where is the Pen
That can do Justice to the Hen?
Like Royalty, She goes her way,

The Moon is like a big round cheese
That shines above the garden trees,
And like a cheese grows less each night,

THE Pen-guin sits up-on the shore
And loves the lit-tle fish to bore;
He has one en-er-vat-ing joke
That would a very Saint provoke:

The Dog is black or white or brown
And sometimes spotted like a clown.
He loves to make a foolish noise
And Human Company enjoys.

My Bed is like a little Bark,
The hatch is battened down,
And in the basket cabin dark
I sail away from Town.

THIS, Children, is the famed Mon-goos.
He has an ap-pe-tite ab-struse:
Strange to re-late, this crea-ture takes

THE Cow is too well known, I fear,
To need an introduction here.
If She should vanish from earth's face
It would be hard to fill her place;

When Human Folk at Table eat,
A Kitten must not mew for meat,
Or jump to grab it from the Dish,

Watching a ball on the end of a string,
Watching it swing back and to,
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing

E is for Edison, making believe
He's invented a clever contrivance for Eve,
Who complained that she never could laugh in her sleeve.

When I grow up I mean to be
A Lion large and fierce to see.
I’ll mew so loud that Cook in fright
Will give me all the cream in sight.

Oliver Herford Biography

Oliver Herford (1863–1935) was a British born American writer, artist and illustrator who has been called "The American Oscar Wilde".As a frequent contributor to The Mentor, Life, and Ladies' Home Journal, he sometimes signed his artwork as "O Herford". In 1906 he wrote and illustrated the "Little Book of Bores". He also wrote short poems like "The Chimpanzee" and "The Hen", as well as writing and illustrating "The Rubaiyat of a Persian Kitten" (1904) and "Excuse It Please" (1930). His sister Beatrice Herford was also a humorist. Ethel Mumford and Addison Mizner wrote a small book The Cynic's Calendar of Revised Wisdom for 1903 as a Christmas present and added Herford's name as an author as a joke. The printer made up more copies to sell and to everyone's surprise it was an astounding success. When Herford found out about it he wanted 90% of the royalties. He was awarded an equal third)

The Best Poem Of Oliver Herford

The Puppy

The Puppy cannot mew or talk,
He has a funny kind of walk,
His tail is difficult to wag
And that’s what makes him walk zigzag.
He is the Kitten of a Dog,
From morn till night he’s all agog—
Forever seeking something new
That’s good but isn’t meant to chew.
He romps about the Tulip bed,
And chews the Flowers white and red,
And when the Gardener comes to see
He’s sure to blame mamma or me.
One game that cannot ever fail
To please him is to chase his tail—
(To catch one’s tail, ’twixt me and you,
Is not an easy thing to do.)
If he has not a pretty face
The Puppy’s heart is in its place.
I’m sorry he must grow into
A Horrid, Noisy Dog, aren’t you?

Oliver Herford Comments

Hamsika 22 March 2022

I liked the moon poem

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Hamsika 22 March 2022

I liked

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june felsinger 30 June 2021

The other day I came across the poem about 'The Elf and the Bee. I liked it very much. I wish to read more of Oliver Herford's poems s

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Platypus 19 April 2018

Platypus! ! ! ! They are so cool!

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Oliver Herford Quotes

She has a whim of iron.

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