0) Sonnet Of The Nation's Capitol - America (Prose / Sonnet) Poem by Otradom Pelogo

0) Sonnet Of The Nation's Capitol - America (Prose / Sonnet)

1998 has been an incredible year; one of the most incredible things was to go to Washington, DC and visit the Nation's Capitol. I realized, standing there on the steps of the Capitol building, at that very moment, there was no greater place in the world to be. America's past and present made it not only one of the greatest political, cultural, and economical centers of the world, but because of all of that, one of the most spiritual centers of our world also.
I also found it enlightening that president Clinton, his wife; first lady, Hilary, and daughter Chelsea, have one of the most demanding jobs in our nation; to vie every day of their lives, to speak appropriately, regardless of the circumstances, for the United States of America. Whether it was Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, or Bush, under the most trying circumstances, we still have the assurance that each person in that situation will continue to uphold one of the greatest political and moral duties.
There seemed to be quite a bit about the president in the news lately; hopefully the best will turn out for all without any permanent or serious scars to any of those involved; Monica Lewinsky, and the president and his family.
And with this new enlightenment comes also an important view; perspective; although one that's quite obvious. Whether we are a family, business, the Department of Defense, local, state, or national government, although sovereign and independent, like a machine with many different parts, we work as one, and must do that job well:

Dawn's Sonnet

Down in Oklahoma where God makes
Our skies in the land of Running Wolf where our
Eagle flies while we give it all it takes
For freedom; a month, year, an hour
For it takes people in institutions
To prudently enforce as it vies
For the price of freedom's resolutions
Is conviction, and that's what freedom buys
The effort it takes for one to move a stone
Enlightens when done by a dozen more
For the technology and time alone
Sounds like music when the rain starts to pour
It's all about our life and destiny
And saying hello to artillery

One of the goals is to learn to commute
While pushing ahead to dreams that await
Whether in or out of the institute
Since knowledge comes when we assimilate
The mind is fed with a virtuous plot
From the kitchen table to the range
So that the soul always has a lot
Of empathy for the affine and strange
The men and women are most important
In the quest to progress as we gait
In the old house of the great triumphant
While trying to reach dreams that await
But it's all about our life and destiny
Love, freedom, happiness, and liberty

0)  Sonnet Of The Nation's Capitol - America (Prose / Sonnet)
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