04. Raging Fire Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

04. Raging Fire

I was so caught in her fluid spell,
I couldn’t move eyes from those lovely rounds,
Those lovely bosoms that blossomed on her;
She caught my ogling, her bosoms swelled,
She tried her best to hide her fires
And pretended not seen my hunger in eyes;
I looked her eyes, transfused passions,
She roused like wild fire caught on raw nerves
And bent on intent to pick something,
Exposing whole spectrum of her wondrous treasures,
And engulfing me in impassioned red-hot desires.

I moved forward and held her in arms
And pressed my lips on her gentle bosoms,
So sweet and soft and velvet-like to mouth;
Gently I pressed, deeper impassionedly pressed
Till my quivering lips met her gentle ribs;
Shut her eyes, she yielded all of her,
And in raging fire, I ravished all of her;
We were all mad and blind to the outer world,
A thousand raging fires were burning us alive
In unbearable pleasures we never thought to exist;
Deeper we thrust to each other’s core,
Deeper we desired to dissolve in the other,
Blending our bodies inch after inch;
Lips to lips and bare breast to breast,
We sucked and reached till tired of joy;
Thigh to thigh we sank ourselves
Till we met in the depths of inner core;
We rolled in joy, overwhelmed in pleasures,
We poured our life to the brim of the other.

Encircled like creepers around the other,
We breathed each other, filled each other;
Heart throbs and rhythms running in tandem,
Undiminished desires peaking to new heights,
We lay on each other in peace and solace
While exhausted is body, but raging are passions;
I gently embraced her, pressed lips to lips,
Gratitude for her love swelling in heart,
And we both slipped to slumber of peace and rest.

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