21. Bloomed In Endless Joy Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

21. Bloomed In Endless Joy

She adored him like God,
He, her, as his Goddess,
And they lived in happy heaven
In dreams, day-dreams of each
Though events never them brought
To long longed face to face.

They longed for the other
And knew how tied to the other
Though tall fences stood between;
World decreed bonds as odd
Like between her and him
And laid rugged roads ahead.

She cared not the blocks,
He welcomed all odd shocks,
But both worried for the other;
She couldn’t see him bleed,
He couldn’t see her hurt,
Both sought each other’s peace.

They couldn’t run from each,
The chord tied them was hard;
They couldn’t run for each,
The road ahead, rough ride;
They chose a means to follow:
They neither haste nor part.

Though they evaded rugged road,
Kept distance for the world,
Each other’s they keenly remained
In live dreams of the other,
They dissolved in the other
In live longings for the other.

She yearned and cried for him,
Her soul seared from pain;
He lost all sense for world
Without her graceful presence;
Both bled in soul for each,
Both lived hell in real life.
A faint glimmer of hope
From the dark tunnel of pains
Like the rising Sun at dawn
They saw surfacing in horizons;
Pains are not for always,
Joys too the world oft holds.

She couldn’t trust her fate,
She got all her’s, though late;
It was sheer heaven for him,
A pristine lease of life;
Both raced for the light,
Lest they may forever lose it.

They saw bright glow of light
Enwrapping them together,
They saw pure joy together
In the other’s inviting arms;
Soul, mind, heart and body,
They gave themselves to the other.

Like creepers they hugged the other,
So close that bodies ached;
Mouth to mouth, heart and body,
They tasted each other’s depths;
Desires grew to newer heights
And they feverishly lost in the other.

Souls so far spoke from afar,
Discovered them in the other;
Hearts seared in pain for each,
Now bloomed in endless joy;
The two now dissolved in the other
Discovered in each their souls.

Road to heaven is never smooth,
Rugged the path, more joy ahead,
No pain is a waste in God’s land;
They lived pain, now aglow in joy,
Discovered truth from the love’s womb
That nothing in life equals true love.

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