4 Buns Poem by Jim Yerman

4 Buns

Have you heard the old story about a hungry man who came up with an easy way
A timesaver, as it were, to make his hunger go away.

When told 4 buns would quell his hunger, this man thought...and then he said,
“I know an easier way for my hunger to be fed.”

“It’s simple math.” He continued. “With the magic number four
If I quickly eat the fourth bun I won’t be hungry anymore.”

Or how about the lady who saw a commercial on TV
And came up with a plan to make her life as easy as can be.

She saw a vacuum cleaner so powerful it would cut her sweeping time in half
Her solution was so simple it makes me want her autograph.

“If one vacuum cuts my time in half, ” she smiled, “I know just what I’ll do.”
So she drove o the store, walked up to the counter and...wait for it...she bought 2.

We’ve all fallen into similar traps; why every day we see
Shortcuts to success as we watch commercials on TV.

You want to lose those excess pounds, it doesn’t matter how much you weigh
No need for diet or exercise, one pill melts those pounds away.

You want to look years younger in minutes, wipe those wrinkles from your face
Just purchase this jar of miracle cream and spread it on your face.

Don’t have time to cook a meal, no problem, just listen to your TV
You can feed them fast and healthily from McDonalds or KFC.

When will we learn there are no shortcuts, no easy way, no perks
The goals we make, if we’re to succeed, take both time and hard work.

Until we do we’ll be like that hungry man in this life that we are carving
We’ll keep eating all those 4th buns and wonder why we’re starving.

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Society
Error Success