51. Love Song Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

51. Love Song

O darling of my god-forsaken soul,
Never you ever leave my side;
For, no soul exists, no life exists
Away from one's heart's darling.

You sit in heart with heartbeats
And shine in eyes as heaven's sparkles;
You spread around like a mystic fragrance
And dropp in tears of dulcet longing.

In moments of calm reflections,
I build long flights of tearing emotions
To the unknown hole where you sit alone
And transport me to spates of fancies.

Like blue in the sky, you sit always there,
But algate distant and uncertain as ever;
I hear and see and touch you and breathe,
Yet, the pain within, undiminished as ever.

You are my torch of conscience,
A fortress of pride and beauty of joy,
A vast playground of intellectual splay
And a fount of heart's unending warmth.

The confining trammel of time and space
Can never probe enough your depth,
Can never wear away our diamond bond
That shines fulgent like still pole star.

Who divide an ocean, who divides the sky,
Who part the flame of mutual passion?
You sit in that end and I, in this,
With an ocean of emotions churning between.

The flashes of colours, you throw on me,
The dazzles of light, I throw across on you.
In kaleidoscopic arches in the new-moon night,
Hark, how transforms the hell to joyous heaven.

You, the life and death, my joy and grief,
Live within and beyond horizons;
You, far and near, forever and never,
For, you are my light, you are my shadow.

Like a sacred temple, filled with holy hymns,
Like a noble heart, crowned with a wise brain,
You bring subtle height to my simple thoughts,
You stir my soul with joyous quietude.

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