52. Across The Hill Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

52. Across The Hill

She lives there, across the hill,
In a lonely hut, hidden 'neath the wood;
No soul for warmth, anywhere near;
Chill breeze and overcast sky above
That freezes zeal and douse human feel;
The divider hill is as tall as the sky,
No path ever leads to the top of the hill
Nor takes downward, across the hill,
Where awaits her life's warmth and hope,
Like the early dawn that waits for sunshine in the east.

The speck of life in the blanket of green
'Neath the winter sky, searches for a chance
To shed wilderness, to reach wider world,
Where hearts meet, where souls rollick
In the ultimate joy of pure fulfillment;
The road is not long, but full of hurdles:
Thick trees, wild creepers, beasts, wildfires,
Cold waves, hot waves, cyclones, heavy rains
And time's steep slope of fate's divider hill,
How let the lonely soul to pass across to the blissful land?

She is not quiescent, she is not complacent,
Restless is her mind, restless is her heart,
Restlessness is high path to reach genuine rest;
She is a lively glow of unfulfilled cravings,
She is a deep ocean of colourful emotions;
The glow of her desires stirs the stars in the sky,
The force of her passions sweeps across like a tempest;
Wherever she may stand, miles around stir with life,
For, she is a little pack of incony gentle passions
Those make life, life and heaven, great heaven.

Lo, flashes of light, right across the divider hill,
Lo, patches of colours spread bright atop the hill;
The happy sweet stirrings that stir the air across,
The stillness deep in the wilderness, lying low in grace,
The serene simplitude of the bright shades of hues
Raise billows of dreams from across the little heaven
Where she sits like queen in lonely sweet splendor;
Her fragrance in billows, sweetest grace in waves
Fill the world across, with joyous expectations
Of the heaven filling the earth with unearthly soft light.

Warm breeze across the infrangible hill
Carries missives of hope and good tides;
It calms cravings and soothes ruffled souls
And illumes unknown future with warm sunshine,
For, she is the only future; she is the warm sunshine,
The mysterious hill, bathed in indistinct twilight,
Too tall and dull and abstruse to common souls
To conquer and stand atop and absorb all truths
Where darkness and sunshine meet and blend.

She will climb the slopes some day, not far
And disclimb the slope of times for the divine tryst
When the hill no more parts the past and the present,
When her anguish to cross, scales all heights.

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