53. I Hear Her Sing Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

53. I Hear Her Sing

I hear her sing from far woodland
In joyous solitude in full-moon light,
Her soulful calls in unworldly fluid rhythms
Come across horizons, across thousand stars.

The thick pack of quietude in the night all-round
Carries her passionate song like light slow breeze,
Stars dance to the rhythms, the moon brightly smiles,
Night glitters in the sweet passions of the song.

Divine is pure beauty, immortal, beauty's joy,
Beauty transcends the fences of time and place,
I feel her in the woodland, sing like a winged angel
And spell my being by an eerie magical swell.

The song carries love, the song carries beauty,
Love and beauty carry the song from soul to soul
In passion's incony rhythms across over here,
So the two hearts beat algate in the same rhythms and rhymes.

How far away she may sing, that reaches right me here;
Through the light of the moon or the sparkles of the stars,
Through the dance of the shades of the silvery clouds
Or the flutters of the leaves, she reaches my soul.

The moods of the night sing songs for her,
Numb broods and dreams, deep in the night's woods
Whisper her tunes to being's alert ears
And I see her presence in sweet musical forms.

She sits alone in solitude's splendor
And sings soulful song in natural pleasure,
She fills in songs, in its tunes and rhythms
And reaches all alone, far comers of the world.

Mind, heart and soul blend in her subtle song,
And cross across the vast time and space
And make beauty, beauty and love, simple love,
However far the world may keep them apart.

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