54. Discovery Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

54. Discovery

I probe your shades and ripples of passions,
Sty your hills, delve deep to dales,
Fulfill your needs of love and joy
And raise a new world of lonely fulgour
Where you, for me and I, for you
Live like gods of supreme benison.

You bare yourself, bear all my odds
And carry me inside to reach your core,
Where I reach my height with all your warmth
While you give yourself in silent openness;
We meet each other in the innermost layers
And give up us to blend in sweet pleasure.

You broke your fence to let me in
And built a steel ring 'tween us;
You constrained real world, constrained your dreams
To the constricted little world of you and me;
You abjured safe consuetude and past
And walked straight to the beats of heart.

The stir of desires, we have for each,
Roused subtle dreams of wish fulfillment;
We, for each, 'neath the glare of harsh heat
Did hide in the cool of inner comforts
And played a little tricks of graceful love
To sparge our hearts with mutual warmth.

How you sought to heap your gifts on me
And show in abundance your inner charms
And discover me in true shades and hues!
Why you wrought such spell on my inner core
And brought our souls so close to each
That neither death nor life really parts us ever.

No god, no world, we had beyond us,
No joy, no truth, we had beyond us,
We lived a world beyond all worlds,
Where our hearts held the utmost sway;
No customs to bar, no jealousies to block,
No harsh realities to shatter our dreams.

You beckoned me from countless heads
And installed on the most divine throne,
You had in all your lives,
Where I have you at my heart's hests,
In plain form, none dare see you ever,
Where hearts meet, bind souls and blend lives forever.

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