68. Gentle Light Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

68. Gentle Light

She comes like gentle breeze,
All in flowers,
All demure like a fount of sweet water
With warmth of spring’s pleasant sunshine;
Like light white clouds on the clean blue sky,
She spreads all round in joyous passions
With fancy’s subtle happy formations;
Like daybreak’s sunshine, she spreads in life
And treads deep to the sanctum sanctorum
To light inside the sacred lamp.

Soothing like sleep,
Fragrant like sandal paste,
She calms passions to joyous indolence;
Like shades of banyan tree.
She comforts all sad strains of life
Neath her unending care and concern
That spreads long like an evening’s shadow;
Her stop make home, touches dissolves gloom,
Her love looms hopes of peace and deliverance,
She brings rhymes and rhythms to life’s prosaic song.

Sixteen or twenty-six,
She is the same like sweet old classics;
Indeed more sweet and deep with time;
Like white warm glow of the passions’ colours,
She shines like Sun in benign intensity;
Though distant sometimes, always near,
Though differs sometimes, always agrees;
In warps and woofs of love and craft,
In warps and woofs of strengths and charm,
She builds a bond as hard as diamond.

She is sweet in her sweetness,
She is sweet in her bitterness,
For, she is all-sweet at all times;
She warms chill and cools heat
And makes sorrow sweet and excess joy bitter
To guide the life through a healthy rich path
Of eternal peace and contentment;
The eternal vigils she keeps all round
Like candle light
Lift the soul from desolate gloom.

Bonnie Lundgren 09 February 2010

I am glad for the expression of this poem. But one question- what of the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit? It is the spirit which holds the most beauty. I see music in his hands. I see eloquence in her mouth. I see dancing in his feet. I see understanding in her eyes. I see prayer in he knees. I see giving in her arms. I see compassion in his shoulders. I see love in their eyes. I see God in their soul.

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