6ft 3inches Tall…… Poem by Abhijit Surve

6ft 3inches Tall……

Rating: 4.5

Tall guys around the world are adored by all..
For they stand a good 6ft 3 inch tall..

When they walk around, with people on streets..
Their personality is different, they stand out complete..
For these tall giants, grow as long as they can..
In crowd of small boys, they stand tall as a man..

They carry a body, a physique so strong..
Perfect blue eyes, long hairs, nothing is wrong..
A Perfect 10 looks, they are what a girl likes..
When driving fast cars, and riding cool bikes..

Girls praise their charms, Girls love their looks..
They're knights in shining armor from fairy tale books..
They are hot as fire, like ice they're cool..
When it comes to a girls heart, they always rule..

Tall guys like these hold your feelings for ransom..
For girls may love a fool, if he's tall, dark and handsome..
But are all tall guys, everything that a girl needs..
Do they posses the love, emotions and good deeds..

Taller then others they think they get to see more..
But can they see the sun after it sets by the shore..
Being taller then others gives them a special pride..
But does this mean you're smarter, f you're 2 feet more wide..?

Being taller then others doesn’t give your life the fab..
We know how do you adjust in the back seat of a cab..
So don't be so proud of the fact that you are so tall..
For when you'll be old, you'll lump and you'll crawl..

For all girls who think tall and handsome always rules..
when it comes to wise thinking, they compete with fools..
Shorter guys like us can beat them in every game..
If we prove ourselves, then you've got no one to blame..

God made the world tall and short for a reason..
You can spot the need, only if you have the vision..
What is the difference between short and tall..
Does tall means everything and short's nothing at all..

So my dear girls, don’t fall only for tall boys..
Just trust us once, and you'll have a good choice..
Prince charming of your dreams, we also can be..
When the love in our heart is taller then 6ft 3..

Bri Edwards 31 October 2022

Some typos here, but I give the story, rhyming, and flow four stars. I found this poem while looking for a poem of mine, a creepy, gory one, which I wrote in 2013, with VERY SIMILAR title and no knowledge of THIS POEM! bri : )

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Sonya Florentino 04 August 2009

hey, it doesn't matter, as long as your love is big and strong...as Sade (the singer sings) .. 'my love is wider than Victoria Lake, higher than the Empire State, it dives, it jumps, and ripples like the deepest ocean....'

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Ted M 08 July 2009

Nice observation, may not be true in all cases.

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Surya . 24 June 2009

being tall does not mean any thing in life.any way you have cleared in last para 'So my dear girls, don’t fall only for tall boys.. Just trust us once, and you'll have a good choice.. Prince charming of your dreams, we also can be.. When the love in our heart is taller then 6ft 3.. ' voted10 surya

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