74. Rise Again In The East Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Songs

74. Rise Again In The East

The sun sets in the West to rise again in the East
As sprightly, lustrous glow in ruddy flood of flames;
He dips to the womb of dreary dark sea
To flood the Earth and Heaven with glassy sunshine next morn
And relume bright hopes on the nature’s innocent face;
Spring’s mad, mad dance fades to winter’s chill breeze
To flush fresh youth in the nature next time
And vesture bridal charm of the green’s rousing grace
When spring springs to act in all her mad, mad riots
With bright colours in fast streams in her gentle vital veins.

A parting cannot always be forgone parting of ways,
But often a rousing start of refreshing future meets
Along the incessant path of life’s long sojourn
That explores unexplored distant horizons
And thickens old bonds to fresh and lively bounce;
Sturdy, warm, afresh like lustrous North Star,
Day after day and night after night
With calm recollections’ thrills
That replenishes timeworn rumples.

Adieu, noble light on immortal mortal face,
Bid you loving farewell with writhing pain within;
Let our soft fibers pass through the nature’s grinding teeth
And brook infinite odds along the life’s course
That fate ordains for the final meet of souls;
For, only beaten gold makes exquisite piece of art
And only hard work invests life with grace;
Destined are we in nature’s painful course
To meet and unite in immortal love’s bond.

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