A Beggar In Isolation Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

A Beggar In Isolation

Rating: 2.5

I hear people speak of "sanitizers"
A word whose meaning remains a wonder

With clean water and soap do I hear them wash
Such luxury is one I can only but wish

I see people leaving the streets for home
Still, it is the only home I have ever known

If in the comfort of your home you say a prayer:
"Remember me; that homeless beggar

If ever you have an extra plate to offer
Oh, remember me; a hungry orphan

If you have a bottle of drink to give
Remember that corner where a blind man lives

If you decide to help in ways you can
Remember that childless old woman

While every man seeks preventive measures
And sits back to rely on his laid up treasures

My only hope is in the rain and sun
I can only but wish this virus gone

I have wrestled long with thirst, hunger and woes
But how can I fight this blood thirsty foe

Yet if through your window you see me gasp for breath
I pray you let me die my gruesome death

For you think of the earth as a thousand times better
Without the filth of a virus stricken beggar!

Thursday, June 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: helplessness,homelessness,hopelessness
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