A Fortune Or Fate? Poem by Ramesh T A

A Fortune Or Fate?

Many kinds of disturbances are affecting the programmes of many;
Disturbances spoil all serious or sincere efforts towards progress;
Due to disturbances, many change their life activities for safety and
Many have changed to safer places to do their favourite works....!

Many disturbances at home and in public have made many inactive
And also confined to secret abodes to overcome consequences...!
Nuisances and disturbances affect the concentration in vital works
Making many relinquish their cherished dreams for ordinary jobs..!

Especially writers have suffered due to their works being destroyed
Not knowing their values by their own beloved ones at home
Leaving them no other go but to rewrite what they have already
Written once again losing a lot of precious time in tedious drafting!

It had happened even to Poet S T Coleridge who was writing
The dream story of his called Kubla Khan in an extempore way
Being stopped due to the knock at his door and when he returned,
He could not remember anything, but it became his masterpiece...!

Due to disturbances many a concentrated work is spoiled and
The extempore works of some in some other form also have
Clicked.changing their life style by the discovery of real talent
Happening as a serendipity due to some act of fortune or fate!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: fate
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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