A Glimpse Of Spring Poem by Mohammad Akmal Nazir

A Glimpse Of Spring

Rating: 5.0

Now the spring comes with all its delight,
The plants are laden with colourful blossoms,
White, yellow, purple, blue, and red,
There intoxicating fragrance enthralls the mind
It seems somebody has opened the doors of Paradise
The earth is clad in green cloak
The sky watches her with delight
The birds sing pleasant notes
The bees buz round the flowers
To suck their juice
The butterflies fly with glee
Waiting for their turn
A fine breeze blows muttering the words of affection
The rivulet dance with joy and rapture
The hills, the valleys, and the cascades
All wear a new and beautiful look
The whole atmosphere is filled with rapture and I too.

Juan Olivarez 14 May 2011

The coming of spring is like a beautiful woman in a silk dress. Golden earrings and flashing eyes bring a freshness to the world, that has been absent in winter.

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Santosh Sharma 02 April 2011

A beautiful depiction of various contents of spring, as jenny wrote while reading we are enjoying the beauty of spring in itself. Great feeling towards nature and it's colors of seasons.

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Jenny Gordon 01 April 2011

How very beautiful! Such an excellent and delightful depiction of spring, in all it's sweetly enticing allurments. Wow. I really enjoyed this for all the lovely images; it is almost like tasting spring itself in reading this! I love it!

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Mohammad Akmal Nazir

Mohammad Akmal Nazir

Bahraich, U.P. India
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