A Good Life Poem by Joe Fraccalvieri

A Good Life

I've climbed these steps a thousand times...
I've slept upon the floor…
There were times I'd swear I could faintly hear
somehow this house would snore
And running through its empty halls,
I've screamed with joy until my throat was sore

In my youth, I had sought the truth… Awaiting proof
I wondered what all of it was for
I've dreamed below this leaky roof
And, God knows, I've opened every door

I've lived and loved-- I've laughed and cried
I've been through rain and sleet and snow
I've walked along the moonlit sand--
kissed a girl and held her hand
But no one will ever understand
a pain they'll never know

I've prayed above for those who've died
I thanked God as I smiled at the birth of a child
I've toiled and plodded and planned…
I inflamed what was mild and I tamed what was wild
all across this wondrous land

I've seen men go into battle, in trying times of war
I've known those who were brave, go to their grave
I still hear their sabers rattle…
Semper Fidelis to the Corps

By my own hand, I've taken my life
through this wonderful world, stricken with strife
Among the wealthy, I was poor…
Despite the trendy clothes I wore

But it was the hand of God that led me to heaven…
Enriching my soul and so much more

At the end of my stay
when I am free of this place
I'll be well on my way--
forever seeking God's face

Surrounded by angels…
My family and friends…

This was my life…
And how it now ends

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