A Heart In Flames Poem by Collette Y Anderson Williams

A Heart In Flames

You wrestle with your heart,
as it plunges you
into questioning
your choices.

You realise the bonds
you've formed,
the friendships
you made have had to be placed
under scrutiny.
What lesson went by unnoticed?
Or, were you even
paying attention?

You glazed into
your lake of reflections,
wondering whether
the ties were real.
And doubts flooded
your thoughts,
as you peered
into the glassy water.
Was there any truth
in any part of it?

Is there any 'from now on'?
Can the heart mend,
especially after a series of abuses
and other hurts
you dare not echo?

Will repair even matter?
Should you trust
the process?
Can the heart be unhurt?
Should you even take
another chance
to open your heart?

But then you find yourself
in an abyss.
And you're alone,
holding your heart,
a heart that's left
amid flames.

Was it ever worth it?
Your tears have now dried up,
as your heartbeat faints.
The room sits still
and you're deafened
by the silence.

Yet still,
you waited for answers,
for comfort,
for peace.
But the wait
left you hopeless,
and oh,
so empty.

You gasped for that one last
breath of fresh air.
You feel the fading
brush of wind
on your cheeks.

Then death comes,
So slowly,
you die.
Because your heart was
too long in the flames.

Copyright © 2022 Collette Y. Anderson Williams

A Heart In Flames
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