A Poor Man's Paradise (6) (The School, The Class-Room, The Big Tree) Poem by U Win Kyi

A Poor Man's Paradise (6) (The School, The Class-Room, The Big Tree)

At the appearance of early sun beam,
Mum got up to cook rice, pea and bean,
for my lunch-box to eat at school,
so that I could study with my stomach full.
I couldn't afford to eat at school canteen,
which sold the food with high protein,
a nutrient good for a growing teen.
My friends and I formed a team.
Under the shade of big trees
we ate together our frugal meal,
with sharing food, laughing jokes a great deal,
a time so free with a glee,
making our friendship bond stronger than steel.
We had no money to buy cold drinks..Coca Cola.
We quenched our thirst with plain water.
After lunch we discussed our lessons together.
We played the game together.
We were flocking together,
like birds of same feather,
no matter what the weather,
worse or better.

It was many years ago.
Now we grow very old.
Every one of us has one's own family.
Every one of us is successful in one's own field.
Every one of us keeps the lunch- box as a souvenir,
in the room for breakfast, lunch and dinner,
in remembrance of Mum's love,
shown in the box for lunch.

The school, the class-room, the shade of big trees were our paradise.
From rag-to-rich, the power of knowledge had changed our lives.

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