A Prayer In Time Saves Nine! Poem by Denis Martindale

A Prayer In Time Saves Nine!

There was a young evangelist with crusades on his mind,
Yet so intent that he had missed nine lost souls in a bind!

So God was quick to point them out! Tell them the Gospel, too,
Convince them all beyond all doubt! Tell each one God loves YOU!

And so the young man shared the Cross because that must get done,
He said Lord Jesus died because He chose to as God's Son.

No other Saviour did God send since Jesus did it all,
Yet there, the Gospel doesn't end! God did a miracle!

He raised Lord Jesus from the dead with power from above,
To take away our sin and dread through Christ, the King of Love.

Because the nine believed God's Word, they teach as preachers do,
I wonder if your faith's now stirred to be a preacher, too?

Denis Martindale. June 2022.

The Gospel poem shared on Revelation TV's
Lunchtime Live on the 20th of June 2022 referred
to the faithful earnest prayers of the evangelist.

Even so, here's the UPDATED version for Poemhunter.

Lunchtime Live is a show devoted to the emailed
prayer requests of the Revelation TV viewers.

A Prayer In Time Saves Nine!
Monday, June 20, 2022
Topic(s) of this poem: God,Jesus
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