A Requistion Poem by Windsor Guadalupe Jr

A Requistion

I crave your hair
And how it carries
The autumnal wind,
The servitude of enamouring,
A resilient river of fire.

I crave you and your voice -
The lullaby over somnolent hills,
The tranquility of the
Restive dormancy,
And your breath and its essence
I crave them and their quiescence
Until the warfare of time
Takes us all.

I crave your hands, your feet
And how they motioned their
Way through the orbits,
The labyrinths
And the incertitude of the rage
Because in the very instance
Of us, upon close visions,
I rage with love
As you trifle with mine hands.

I crave your mind – a gasket of beauty
And bursting wonders.
The golden garden,
The paragon of art and inscrutability.
You and your beautiful mind
Taught me how to live through death
And die through life:
An electrifying irony, our bondage.

I crave your eyes – immensely callow.
A whole ocean of secrecies.
A cell where I find myself starving
With the stars and reflections
Trapped in the waters of love.
I crave your eyes for I see myself
Inside them, burning passionately.

I crave your lips – gossamer paleness.
Like the moon, the masked harlequin:
As I sink mine teeth upon them,
We ooze in crimson eccentricity.
A baleful thrust of electrified union.
A mad twining.

I crave your soul
In slivers,
Or whole.
I wait here, as I view you
In photographs and memorize
Your intricacies.
Patiently waiting with the hands
Of the clocks…

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