A Special Thank You Poem by Shaylah Barron

A Special Thank You

Rating: 4.3

The semester has finally come to an end
There's so much to say where do I even begin?
You made my semester so much better
Which is why I'm writing this letter
When I was struggling you opened your doors
When none of the other teacher did
You gave me reassurance and plenty of options to explore
I trusted you enough to tell you what was wrong
You offered to get me help and made me feel like I belong
When I tried to miss class again you were understanding
You gave me words of encouragement which were long-lasting
I was shy at first but now I'm not
Now I'm always asking questions who would of thought
Remember how you asked me "did I ever have a teacher that I looked up too"?
Well that Teacher has become you…
You inspired me to become a better person and an excellent teacher
One with all of your features
Your kindness… compassion… politeness… and joy for teaching.
Has made coming to class much more pleasing.
You always took your time to explain what we were learning
Each explanation was detailed and very informing
I just wanted to thank you for everything that you have done
You made coming to your class so much fun
If I ever see you in your window this summer I'll stop in to say hi
I promise not to bother you to long it will just be a quick drop-by
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have finished this semester
I'm really grateful and it's something that I will treasure forever
Dr. Collins… Thank you for making my life a little bit better
Have an awesome summer and don't forget to enjoy the weather

Monday, April 24, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: support,teacher,thank you
Thank you for the only teacher who has never gave up on me and supported me until the end. My college professor has been with me with all of my ups and downs and she always supported me so I wrote this to thank her.
Bernard F. Asuncion 30 April 2017

Well-written piece.... thanks for sharing....

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Jazib Kamalvi 24 April 2017

You seems a good student. You may like to read my poems, Teachers and To the Students. Thanks

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Dr. Yahya 24 April 2017

A good tribute to teacher. Thank you

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