I Will Alway Love You Poem by Shaylah Barron

I Will Alway Love You

Rating: 5.0

I will never forget the first day that I met you
You introduced yourself to me and asked to join the view
We sat there talking for hours and I actually knew
That you were the one for me who would see me through
After three months of talking we finally decided to take it to the next level
Boy was I happy because our relationship was actually successful
Every other day we would go out for long walks
I enjoyed every second with you even when you ignored me to collect your favorite rocks
But I couldn't be mad because each rock meant something special
It made every memory with you feel less stressful
Every day you would tell me how much I meant to you
You made my life worth living if only you had a clue
We shared a lot in common including the little things too
Even the major moments when we were always blue
A few months later everything started to change
But I already knew what was wrong so I couldn't find it strange
Remember how we shared everything in common
Well one of those was depression which put you in your coffin
You promised me you would always be here with me
But it's too late now and I can't even say I'm sorry
When you cried yourself to sleep I was always there
I would sit there and hold you running my hands through your hair
When you cut yourself too deep for the first time I was there
I took you to the doctor even though you were scared
I tried to be as strong as I can
But it was getting harder and harder and I didn't even have an escape plan
Our relationship slowly started to drift apart
But I didn't care because I thought you had my heart
The first time you tried to leave me I was really hurt
And every day forward I was always on alert
I held your hand in the ER and told you everything was going to be alright
You just have to be strong and get help to continue this fight
But you didn't listen to me and said we could do this together
I said okay and I would love you forever
Days pasted and everything started to look better
I even persuaded you to go to a counselor
And you gave me your favorite sweater
Which made things even better
Months went by and our relationship was stronger than ever
I was excited and happy that we were still together
You told me "goodnight" through text that night
I told you alright I love you my starlight
My phone started to ring at 6am on a Saturday morning
It was a text from you with your final warning
I love you Shaylah and don't you ever forget
I appreciate you for you even though you're heavyset
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't beautiful
Because you are and that indisputable
I made sure that this was my final good bye
Just remember me when you look at the stars in the sky
Don't try to save me because I know it is too late
Please don't be mad at me Shaylah don't grow to hate
But baby I just cannot bury this weight
No it's not your fault so don't hurt yourself like that
Just call the police I left the key under the matt
And baby please don't tell others my name
I only want you to know so you are not to blame
To days you don't remember
To nights you don't reclaim
I took part in your life
And my time is slowly drifting away
Just know that I love you forever and always Shaylah Jenae
I ran out the door with tears streaming down my face
I was running so fast my shoes came unlaced
I called the police before I reached your front door
Then I ran into your mom who was doing her outside chores
She got up quickly and looked at me with concerned on her face
Shaylah… baby what's wrong you're normally filled with grace
I gave her my phone with the message opened and yelled there's no time to waste
I ran to his room and wrapped my arms around his waist
Shaylah? Is that you I can't see straight?
I'm sorry but you are too late
Just remember my name and keep it to yourself
And tell my mom I want my ashes to go on the shelf
I held him in my arms as he took his last breath
I never thought that I would experience someone's death
I tried to save you but it was too late
No matter what I did you made your mind up and decided your fate
After the funeral I went to my room and cried
That was the only thing that I could do besides hide
I don't understand what I did to deserve this
But live is spelled evil backwards
And that's exactly what I get
I will never let myself get close to no one anymore
What's the point…?
My heart has been ripped out of my chest and crushed on the floor
This is something I never speak about… I don't see what for
But it's something I could never ignore
Somedays I go to the very first place that we met
I sit on the edge of the shore while I break out in a cold sweat
I listen to the sound of the waves to calm me down
But no matter what I do I always breakdown
Everything is so tense and gloom
Which is part of the reason why I isolate myself in my room
I just want you to know that I could never be mad at you
Because I'm in your same shoes
It isn't a day that I don't go without thinking about you and that's true
I just hope one day I will be able to make it through
But it's really hard and I'm starting to lose hope
Maybe I just need to find better ways to cope
But until then I'm going to continue to slide down this slope

Saturday, April 8, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: boyfriend,depression,relationship,suicide
Jazib Kamalvi 09 April 2017

Very impressive poetic narrative. Thanks

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