A Tale Of Death Poem by William Montgomery

A Tale Of Death

i am alone in a prision cell i spend each nite crying like a little girl awaiting my departure to the gates of hell i have commited a crime now all i can do to kill time is rhyme.

I have watched as my heart has faded to black its like it has started to crack split in two becuase of what i have done to you...my heart aches every time that i see your face but i look away to avoid disgrace.

Why did things have to end this way we could have stayed together and been happy and got married one day and had a kid on the way but no you had to run of with another guy and watch as i started to cry iam not gonna lie its like you took a knife to my heart and tore it apart.

Now iam paying for my mistake and sitting here waiting my fate iam on death row now only 20 minutes until i die but still i try to be a tough guy as the tears trickle down my face i say my last good bye to the human race....my head shaved...i begin to wave at every one who came to see me die today.

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