A Valley Poem by Gary James Smith

A Valley

Rating: 5.0

A Valley

I went through a valley more deeper more wider
Than I ever went through before
The problems kept coming  more higher and higher
My spirits were dashed to the floor
But my God sustained me and became my shelter
As the storms passed and calmness set in
I was renewed and refreshed by the Spirit
Ready now to live life again!

There's going to be bumps on your journey ahead
Some ruts that you think will not end
But hold on my brother for God's holding you
He's promised to always attend
When waves of discouragement hit you head on
And seem to come end upon end
There still is One who is walking with you
It's Jesus our unfailing Friend

Lord help me to rest in that glorious thought
These things... these things soon shall pass
We shall be with you forever some day
Where joy that's eternal shall last
When that last valley the shadow of death
Comes to cast gloom over me
I shall not fear for my Lord has conquered
And death has no captive in me!

Copyright August   13 2018 10: 30PM
Gary James Smith

Monday, October 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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