A Walk Poem by Jim Yerman

A Walk

Rating: 5.0

I've taken many a walk by myself…seen the sunrise…
been greeted by a morning breeze
walked along the streets, the sand…followed a path among the trees.

Walking refreshes my attitude…my outlook
my view of the world as a whole…
It strengthens my heart,
stimulates my mind…and reinvigorates my soul

But as much as walking by myself has served to brighten up my life
a walk is even more inspiring…when walking with my wife.

Away from the encumbrances of technology
walking in the mountain or along the coast
We are reminded of all we have and share…everything that matters most.

But if the joys of walking with my wife are easy to comprehend…
the benefits increase exponentially…when we walk with a friend.

Our hearts, our souls…our minds are constantly surprised…
when we add a new perspective…another set of eyes…

And when we talk to other people on our walk…strangers we meet along the way
I can't be sure but I have a feeling…it brightens everybody's day.

Which only goes to prove…
how waking and life can be compared…
for each by itself can be beautiful…but much more beautiful when shared.

And so I wonder when we look for solutions to hate and killing and war…
Would we find the answers more easily….
if we all walked together a little more?

Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: walking
Kingsley Egbukole 15 October 2019

Walking together in love to solve the world's problems. Beautiful. Please kindly check my poems Hope and THE BEAUTY OF DEATH. Kingsley Egbukole

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