A Walk Home After Dark Poem by Gert Strydom

A Walk Home After Dark

Cars speed past
and their lights search
to find direction
in the rush of the city.

The last red rays of the sun
are dying behind
the ridges
and dusk brings
the darkness of night.

I see the lights appearing high
up in the night sky
and they burn,
as it was
from the beginning of time.

I see a new light hanging bright
where I did not see anything
on a previous night
and it gets brighter
and I wonder
if any Unidentified Flying Objects
are watching us?

Or are some countries
flying secret objects of war,
high up in the night sky?

Is this world like a stage
which creatures from
other worlds
watch for the final ends
to appear?

At times I wonder
what judgement waits
on every one of us?

Or if we are just
another speck
in the big scheme of things
and does destiny
just let the pieces fall
as they may?

Two new lights appear
and I hear the jet engines
of a low flying plane
and it disappears in the distance.

Dark shadows fall
from across the street
and I am wary,
but it’s only trees
that moves in the strong wind.

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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