A Walk Interrupted Poem by Jim Yerman

A Walk Interrupted

I walk the same path every morning…bright and early…every day…where I'm greeted by the same sounds…the same trees…the same animals along the way.

I never find it boring..and no….I'm not a nut…it's just I find my solace and my comfort in what some would call…my rut.

Today I was a little shocked when my routine became disrupted…when my normal path was blocked and my walk was interrupted.

It was obvious my walk today wouldn't be like every other day…that in order to finish what I started…I'd have to walk another way.

Quickly realizing this little glitch didn't warrant my worry or my wrath…I took a little detour…down a less familiar path.

I decided to embrace my detour…so on and on I pushed…until I noticed up ahead of me…a rabbit in a bush.

It seemed to me the more he tried to hop away…the more he would stay put…and the more the leaves and branches of that bush became entangled with his foot.

I leaned down saying, "Don't worry little rabbit…I took a wrong path too…it seems that you are stuck…let me see what I can do."

The rabbit sensed I was not dangerous…he seemed to understand..he knew that I was here to help…still…he closely watched my hands,

I worked with his foot and the bush…being as gentle as I could be…and in a little while…the rabbit's foot was free.

"Hop away little rabbit…your foot is free." I cried…and after a moments hesitation…the rabbit tentatively complied.

He hopped around a little bit…then turned around as if he wanted to say…
Thank you…for your help…before he finally hopped away.

And I wondered if my normal path being blocked was a coincidence…or could it possibly be…I was sent in this direction because a rabbit needed me.

I guess I'll never know…but never again will I be shocked when my everyday routine becomes disrupted…when my normal path is blocked…when my walk is interrupted.

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