A Woman To Me Poem by Bobbie Othigo

A Woman To Me

Living for this short time,
I know I won't like to be a woman,
Only for the sake of getting my period
(Quite uncomfortable they seem)
Or solely for the sake of pregnancy,
Decisions that have to be made
To carry another life for nine months,
Whether ‘twas planned or an accident,
She is the vessel of life,
Both mine and yours.

A good world depends on
All the actions she makes,
Her tongue can strike
Unending fiery strife,
But if a good teacher,
She brings up brave men
Who know the value of peace,
She is the other voice
All men should listen to.

A fountain of love,
That she is,
And comfort, and protection,
Many boys cry for mother,
When things are painful,
Her tears are like ointment,
Softening stings of each wound afflicted,
Her embrace is angelic
For the calm it offers,
Would she loses all this,
The world is damned.

She is a mountain
Of strength
(Pinch her child to discover) ,
She sleeps last,
And sleeps light,
A part of her awake to any harm
Facing me however the miles away.
She arises before the sun's
Glory is nigh in sight,
To be the start of a family's
Pleasant day. For years,
Without falter nor complaint,
Her back in persistent ache,
She has endured with joyful love,
Oh woman, you are my pride.

Twixt man and woman
There's a rift,
Each kind unique to the other,
Existing to complement
That which lacks in the other,
Even if given same opportunity,
Won't we rise to varying potential?
Creating such a stiff competition,
A great component may be lost,
You should ascend to our admiration,
Yet not lose what joy
Was intended for you to bring.

If all women were
Each others rock,
You would climb much faster,
Out of being trampled,
Woman is woman's greatest enemy,
Her jealousy is venom,
Poison for all around,
Each of you is a rose,
A single rose is cut so easy,
Bougainvillea grow together, never alone,
What vision of beauty and strength!
Be so.

Thursday, July 26, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: woman
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